Root canal filling
When a decay passes through the enamel and also through the dentin, it reaches the pulp. This is where the tooth's blood vessels and nerves are located. This is often preceded by occasional burning and aching, which tends to become more persistent, turning into a persistent toothache after a while. If this condition remains untreated, the infection spreads through the roots into the jawbone. You then have what is technically known as "osteitis".
The tooth must be root-filled. The infection in the jawbone can theoretically be treated temporarily with antibiotics, but the infection will return as long as the damaged tooth is not repaired.
Root canal filling; The tooth is prepared under sterile (bacteria-free) conditions. The infected and dead tissue is removed and the tooth is flushed internally with bactericidal fluid. The tooth is then temporarily filled with lime paste to kill any remaining bacteria and heal the jawbone at the root tip. The tooth is fitted with a temporary filling. After a healing period, which varies depending on the condition of the tooth, the tooth is filled tightly with a rubber-like material, "gutta-percha". The tooth is then fitted with a crown.
Advantages of root canal: The tooth may remain. Can be fitted with a filling or crown and function again. Disadvantages : It can be a costly treatment. Teeth that are root canal treated become hard but brittle over time, which can cause fractures (larger or smaller cracks).