Amalgam Removing
Do you have amalgam fillings left in your mouth? We have extensive experience in carrying out safe amalgam removal. It is important that the treatment is carried out safely as some people are sensitive and may otherwise become ill.
Many patients decide to replace their amalgam fillings with fillings made of other materials. Some switch because of the long-standing debate about amalgam and mercury, while others want white fillings for aesthetic reasons. In this case, we recommend that you replace your old fillings with new ones in porcelain. Porcelain crowns are the most durable and have no side effects. You can also switch to plastic fillings, which is a cheaper material with lower strength.
With our Cerec 3 method, you can in most cases have porcelain fillings and crowns done in one treatment session, which means you avoid temporary fillings and crowns and avoid long treatment times.
With us, you get completely metal-freedentistry.
We recommend that you take antioxidants a few weeks before starting amalgam treatment. Antioxidants include multivitamins, mineral tablets and selenium.
For more info on how the treatment works, watch our video