Tooth loss is a disease that negatively affects the heart and other parts of the body. We treat periodontal disease with a laser which gives very good results.
Tooth loss or Periodontitis - is caused by a bacterial infection in the tooth's socket. The first sign is that your gums bleed when you brush your teeth. Brush extra carefully with a soft toothbrush and floss. The earlier the inflammation is detected and treated, the better.Bacteria are normally present in the mouth and cause problems if you neglect oral hygiene. Carelessness loosens the gum line and makes it easier for the bacteria to take hold. In the deep pocket that develops between the gum and the tooth, the bacteria penetrate deeper and deeper.
Eventually, the root of the tooth and the jawbone to which the tooth is attached are damaged. The tooth becomes more and more mobile and eventually you lose it. The disease is slow and it can take tens of years for the tooth to come out completely. To reduce the risk of infection/inflammation, brushing about twice a day is sufficient. The susceptibility to tooth loss is partly hereditary.
Symptoms of periodontitis
The first sign is that your gums bleed when you brush your teeth. The gums swell and become shiny, tender and red. You have developed gingivitis. The inflammation is caused by your failure to keep your teeth clean from bacterial deposits, or plaque. Healthy gums do not bleed. Healthy gums are pale pink, a little knotty and close to the tooth.You can get rid of the inflammation if you floss extra for a few weeks. If you do nothing, the inflammation continues deeper down. You will not have any more problems beyond the soreness and bleeding in the gums until the inflammation has gone so far that the tooth begins to move.
Diabetes may increase the risk of parodontitis.
Certain diseases, such as diabetes, can increase the risk of tooth loss. When you are pregnant, your gums can also be extra sensitive to inflammation due to the hormonal changes. However, tooth loss is uncommon. Paying extra attention to your dental hygiene during pregnancy will help prevent gingivitis, tooth decay and possible tooth loss.
Tooth loss is common among smokers More than half of people with tooth loss are smokers. This is because smoking weakens the immune system. Smokers don't get the first warning sign of bleeding gums: because smoking causes your blood vessels to constrict, gums look healthy even when they are inflamed.
Using snuff
There is no direct link with parodontitis and using snuff. Instead, you may experience local damage to the mucous membrane where the snuff is placed.
How to best protect yourself from tooth decay. Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day. Also clean every day with floss, toothpick or interdental brush between the teeth and in the gum pockets. Visit a dentist or dental hygienist at least every two years to have your teeth examined and tartar removed.
It hurts to floss when you have gingivitis. It may also bleed more during the treatment itself, but don't stop because of this. The pain is like exercise pain, when the gums are in better condition it doesn't hurt anymore. With this treatment, the inflammation usually goes away in a few weeks. If you develop periodontal disease, it is very important that you clean your teeth thoroughly between treatments. Spend at least ten minutes a day on your teeth. Continue even when you are healthy again. Remember that the disease can recur if you don't take care of your oral hygiene.